In addition to publishing your popups on Smarketly's servers, you can publish them on WordPress as well.

You'll only need to do this once, and once your code is installed you'll never need to update it and it will work for every popup you create.


1. Go to your Smarketly account, select a popup and get to the "Publish" step.

Copy the popup embedded code by clicking the "Copy to clipboard" button.

Then click on "Publish".

Tip: Only WordPress site's administrators can add the popup embedded code at the domain level.


2. Log into your WordPress account → Dashboard, select "Appearance" from the menu on the left-hand side and click on "Editor".


3. Select “header.php” from the Templates list in the menu on the left-hand side.


4. Paste the popup embedded code into your post, as long as it's placed anywhere between the <head> and </head> tags.


5. Save your changes by clicking "Update File" and you're good to go!