Smarketly gives you the ability to automatically create custom audiences on Facebook on the fly based on data points within your funnels. With Facebook's Custom Audiences, you can reach visitors you already know. Just upload contact lists to Facebook and it will deliver your ad campaigns to such visitors when they visit Facebook. Plus, this feature works with data from your website or application.

Creating a Facebook Custom Audience

1. Go to CampaignsFacebook Audiences to start setting up your new custom audience.

2. Here you can see all your existing Facebook audiences, if you have any.

Click "Create New Facebook Audience" to start creating a new one.

3. Under Audience setup, select an audience type from the drop-down menu. In this case, select "Custom Audience".

In the next field, select a Facebook account that you want to use for this audience.

Finally, name your new custom audience.

Click "Next" to continue.

4. In the Audiences step, set up custom audience filters that will automatically add people to your custom audience.

Under Step 1, define who will be added to your custom audience by selecting the value of such filters as:

  • URL
  • Time on Site
  • Number of Visits
  • Scrolled
  • Country
  • Browser
  • Referral Source
  • Date of Visit
  • Visiting Device
  • Number of Sessions
  • UTM Source
  • UTM Medium
  • UTM Campaign
  • UTM Term
  • UTM Content

Combine the value of the first field with the value of the second and third fields, which include:

  • Greater than
  • Less than
  • Equals
  • Contains

Tip: Make use of the "And" and "Or" options to enter more than one criteria.

5. Under Step 2, define a retention window based on how long ago an action was taken to help refine your targeting.

We advise you to select a 30-day retention period, unless you know exactly what you want.

Once you're done setting up your new custom audience, click on "Create audience".

Continue creating more Facebook Custom Audiences for enhanced campaigning or create a new Facebook Lookalike Audience.