In case you're offering your customers a number of choices and you want them to make more than one, you can organize their answers using the Checkbox element.

Adding the Checkbox

1. Find the Checkbox element in the toolbar on the left-hand side.


2. Drag-and-drop it into a form.


Tips: A dashed blue line appears when you've started dragging an element. It shows you where the element will be added once you drop it into the form. 

Use “Ctrl+Z” shortcut to undo the last action or use arrows in the toolbar at the top of the page.

Formatting the Checkbox

3. Create any number of checkboxes by clicking the Copy icon in the in the formatting toolbar. 


4. Select the Label Text element by clicking the text area in the checkbox to edit the text, change its color and add icons.


Tip: Do this for all checkbox fields as well as for the title of your form.

Customizing the Checkbox

5. For more customization options, you need to go to the Inspector tab.

  • In the Attributes section, you can specify the Checkbox ID and class, align it to the right, left, center of the form, as well as make it visible on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs;
  • Change the style of the text under Text Style;
  • Select a background color, add an image or gradient to it in the Background section;
  • Add shadows and customize their distance, blur, and spread;
  • In the Padding and Margin sections, you can change the layout of the Checkbox;
  • You can also add borders and customize the roundness of the Checkbox's edges.


Tip: Learn more about the Inspector tab here.