Use the Button element in your emails to create magnetic, eye-catching links.

Adding the Button

  1. Find the Button element in the toolbar on the left-hand side;
  2. Drag-and-drop it into your email.  Now you can edit, copy, lock or delete it.


Adding a link to the Button

Click on the “Pencil” icon to open the formatting toolbar. Now you can choose a required link type.

You can either submit data and redirect users upon click, or simply redirect them to a different page. Among other options under the link menu, you can find:

-      Redirect to a URL of an external source;

-      Redirect to a page;

-      Redirect to an email service;

-      Redirect to a Thank You step.


Formatting the Button

Double-click on the button text to start editing its text. Right-click on the text area to change its font and size.


Customizing and styling the Button

To change the button’s settings, go to the Inspector Tab.

  • In this section, you can assign the ID and class to the button as well as choose what devices you want it to be visible on;
  • Moreover, you can set the color, image, or gradient of the button;
  • You can choose the color, distance blur, and spread of the button’s shadow here;
  • Besides, you can easily add padding and margins to the button, if needed;
  • Under Text style, you can find more fonts, edit it and specify its size, color, and alignment in this section;
  • Open the Border Tool to set a border color and style. Change the shape of a button by using the Border Roundness Tool.



-      Select an eye-catching color for your button to make it more visible.

-      Make sure your button is linked to some resource in order to not confuse your visitors.