1. Under "Online Store" go to Pages and in the drop down menu, click "Add Page"

2. Edit your Page details  to New Landing Page, then paste the info to be displayed in the description box.

3. Choose an image and click on "Insert image" if you want to include a picture to accompany the text

4. If you're still deciding between either having it on display or not, you can click on "Hidden" under the visibility edits

5. Under the Template Suffix, you have the option to add or exclude a Header and Footer feature for the Landing Page from the drop down menu

6. Add a title to the page and save it. It can now be opened in editor to add Smarketly sections to it. Click on Online store > Customize.

7. After the editor loads, select the page that you've created in the editing dropdown

8. Click on "Smarketly sections" of the left side of the editor in the sections area to start adding sections.

9. Now you can add new sections by clicking the add content button