Everyone loves discounts and freebies! So draw in your customers using cool Promo's by advertising them well. 

  1. Select “Smarketly Sections” click ADD then click “Add Content”

  2. Click ADD on Promo Collection Section then open viewing

  3. The Top Offset option can be changed to “None, Small, or Normal” based on customer preferences

  4.  Enabling or disabling the Fullwidth Container is optional, as well as the "Items in Line" feature which can be changed to 2,3 or 4 to suit your display preference.

  5. Edit your "Show Sell All" box if you'd like to include once you've ticked it.

  6. Pick a collection & click on "Select Images" then click on the image and press SELECT

  7. Go to "Select section" and choose your collection then click select. Repeat for the other collections

Having discounts and promotions on your page is a sure way to get more traffic. Choose the best images and captions for your Promo's and watch the magic work.